Precision manufacturing 2 robots

Development and implementation of algorithms and software for precision working processes with robotic systems. Our company is proud to offer advanced, state-of-the-art solutions in the field of robotic manufacturing of parts with strict tolerance requirements. There are 6 packs available, depending on your needs. exclusive innovative service #made_in_pmrobots.


Feasibility analysis of workpiece(s) and manufacturing system

Machining strategy

Machining strategy in manufacturing center(s)

Robot strategy

Machining strategy in robot(s)


Potential optimisations in process and workpiece


Impact implementation (CAPEX & specific tooling) with project management as a service


Optimised KPI´s (cycle time, capacity, productivity, CAPEX & specific tooling savings)


Feasibility analysis of the machining with the available robot for the required tolerances and the proposed machining strategy.

Machining Strategy

Optimised machining strategy in machining center by releasing the operations to be transferred to the robot. From 0 to optimal or from current status to optimal, with detailed cutting parameters and movements.

Robot strategy

Robot configurations for machining path and machining parameters to meet requested tolerance requirements.


Improvements in machining, workpiece and cell parameters to maximise process optimisation.


Cost breakdown (when needed) in CAPEX and specific tooling for implementation.


Breakdown of optimisations in KPI’s before the improvement, after the improvement and with the additional improvements detected.
